
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Flexability, Possibilities & Opportunities

What an interesting year it has been so far.  We are still being teased by this drought and occasional showers of rain that pass very fleetingly.  All of my children are now in boarding school.  It is a big adjustment to not have them all around.  Sending the kids away to boarding school is a choice we made.  I couldn’t face spending another 6 years of home schooling and I sure couldn’t give them the opportunities of education, sport or new friends from here. 

The oldest child has already had a year away at school, which she loved every bit of.  And this has made it a little bit easier for the twins although being boy and girl twins, the girl twin has had it a bit easier as she knew a few of the older girls.  The boy twin he found going into boarding a little more challenging as he didn’t know any of the boys except for one that he did distance ed. with. 

We, as a family have spent the last couple of years talking openly about boarding school with the children preparing them and getting them to think of all the possibilities and opportunities that they will be presented with while they are there.  It has always been said that “you may not like it, but make the most of it.”

The oldest does this very well.  She is making the most of any opportunity that comes her way and this has helped her to adapt and be very flexible.  The twins, who are dearly missing all their menagerie of animals and old way of life, will in time learn to adapt and grab each opportunity with both hands and make the most of their time at school.

One thing about life, it is a constant change.  Nothing stays the same.  It is how we choose to embrace the changes that make the difference.  And the more adaptable and flexible we are to change often times the easier it is to embrace.  We may not like the change, but if we find a way to make the most of it the more possibilities and opportunities open up for us.

What is stopping you from being flexible in your life?  Do you need help to open up to opportunities and possibilities?  Did you know that the things that challenge us the most are our greatest learnings to help us create an even better life.


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