
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Word Of The Year


That is my word for the year.  I have it up around the house to remind me of what I need to help me be the best person I can be. 

The last few years I and my family, friends and neighbours have been living with drought.  It has been a big part of our lives now for about the last 4 years.  Living, eating, breathing and talking about drought.  It is everywhere, on our cattle station, in our house, our finances, our appearances, our everyday conversations.  I am over it. 

So it is that I am going to need COURAGE to make the changes I need to shift my overindulged droughted mentality.

I am going to need COURAGE to create the life I am yet to dream about and fully embrace.  I am going to have to gift myself the opportunity to have the big kick arse dreams that have been trying to poke through the haze of drought and lack  and poverty.

Some of theses include reigniting my passion for my horses and riding and creating an experiential learning place so that people can come together with my herd and learn from them.  And racing my horses at sprint races across the country side and standing my stallions at stud, and selling a few off spring to wonderful loving homes.

Another dream is to pay back the bank our big over extended loan that has more 0's on it then I thought was possible.  This is going to need COURAGE to change the mindset around debt and making the necessary changes in how we do business as a family run grazing enterprise.  It is going to need COURAGE to have all the tough conversations with family members and other services involved with our overall runnings.  It is going to need change for the better of our family, business, property and cattle.

I am going to need COURAGE to step up and stop hiding under my rock.  My life purpose is Spiritual Teacher in The Spotlight and that requires me to be doing spotlight things like teaching and talking in front of audiences, as well as writing and competing with my horses.

This is my Courage poster with a reminder of some of the things that I am going to need to bring to my Courage party.


Have you got a word you can use to help you through the year?  A reminder of who you would like to be, do or have more of for your year?  If you do I would love for you to leave a comment below.

Have a great day with many blessed hoof prints