I have been Hibernating or hiding out.
As part of our cycle of life it is important to hibernate. It helps us to appreciate how far we have come, to regenerate, rejuvenate, to put things back into perspective, to plan and get ready to take life's next steps. I have been hibernating, the only thing is I forgot to come back out. I have stayed hidden.
I stayed in hibernation because I didn't know how to come back out after I got scared and let my self talk and made up stories block me from taking my next steps. There are so many things that need my attention in the process of my hiding out and calling it hibernation I procrastinated and then everything started piling up on top of me causing me to doubt myself even more and retreat even further.
The thing is I am aware of what I do. Sometimes it might take a little while for me to catch on, but something will trigger me into awareness. It is amazing how being aware can create options. And when there are options there are possibilities. So now that I have awareness of my hiding out I can make changes. I have options I can call on.
So what are my options?
~ Stay where I am. Go back into hiding.
~ Poke my head out of the cave and see what is out there and then retreat.
~ Get my plan that I have created and charge at things like a bull at a gate.
~ Take one step at a time and with each new step trust that the next step will present itself when I go to lift my foot to take that next step.
So my next step is to trust the next step.
It will be sharing what I am learning and living.
Finish my book. "The Power of Living Simply"
Share my podcast - telling stories of my other passions - Quarter Horse Racing stories
Work my family cattle station and earthmoving businesses.
Host retreats and workshops here on our outback cattle station and where ever I am invited, even on the web.
Play with my horses.
I know it all sounds like a lot, but for me they are all entwined. I know it won't be balanced all the time. I would be kidding myself if I thought I could have it Balanced. Sometimes it is going to be like a wild, rough seesaw ride and other times it is going to be a smooth up and down. The thing about seesaws is they work best when they are moving up and down.
I would love for you to share your awareness of when you hibernate or hide and what happened when you came out to play. Share below in the comments.
Many Blessing
Jody xxx
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