I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jody Murray, mother of 3 great kids and wife to a busy grazier/caterpillar machinery obsessed husband.
But that is not all of me. There is so much more then meets the eye. I love helping out on our family cattle property in Western Queensland, helping to muster cattle, fencing, checking waters and cattle. I love playing with my horses and developing my quarter horse stud. I love all sorts of horse sports especially quarter horse racing, barrel racing, cutting, dressage and great horsemanship. I love learning new things especially when it can help not only me but my community and the wider world. I love life. To me every day is a great day, even the shit ones. I love living by this belief because it helps me to be grateful for everything that comes up in my day.
It is because I love to help people to grow and be a better version of them selves everyday (that is if they choose to.), is how Hoof Prints To Your Heart came about.
Let me start at the middle, and how my journey has developed so far.
Basically I am horse obsessed. And it is through my obsession with horses that I am on this journey. After getting married and starting a family I felt I needed to earn my own income and I wanted it to involve horses in someway. That is how I googled upon horse massage and my skill development began. It was through horse massage that I realised I needed something more with my skills. The horses I was treating had muscular problems but a lot of times they where carrying the issues and energies of their handlers and riders. The problem was I didn't know how to help the rider so that the horse could be free of the emotions that where holding it back from healing fully. A lot of these riders wanted the best for their horses only the stories they where telling themselves wasn't helping anyone. The stories where keeping them stuck in a place that was depleting their confidence and limiting their dreams of the fun that they originally thought was possible to have with their horse.
It was in 2010 I had a scientific hand analysis session with Baeth Davis. This turned me up side down and inside out. So what is Scientific Hand Analysis you are saying? It is finding your life purpose through the finger prints, lines and markings in your hands. What I found out was that My life purpose is "Innovative Spiritual Teacher In The Spotlight" Now that was one of those "OH F*^$" moments in my life. And not only was I an "Innovative Spiritual Teacher In The Spotlight" I have a life school and a life lesson as well. Now there are 4 different life schools depending on the finger print markings and how many of which ones you might have. Well I am in the school of LOVE. And because the Love prints are the lowest ranked prints on my fingers and I have a lot of them I am also in the life lesson of, you guessed it LOVE. This means when things are going pretty shit in my life, I am not speaking my authentic truth and loving myself in a way that has my highest good at the forefront.
It took me quiet a while to process all of this and finally I discovered Life Coaching. I went and found me a coach and decided that this is something I could do so off I went to life coaching school. And what an awakening that has been. I have learnt so much about myself and how the mind works, how relationships work and how people think. Life has been this amazing gift of roller coaster rides. People that I thought where my friends have dropped off. People that I wasn't so friendly with have stepped up. Family dynamics have changed especially in the extended family realms and my intuition is fine tuning itself all the time.
I am now embracing my life purpose as an "Innovative Spiritual Teacher In The Spotlight" as I now know what it is what I am meant to be teaching at this point in time in my life and it is pretty simple, SELF LOVE. With all this love going on for me and it being one of my biggest lessons to learn about (which will always be a continuing learning experience) This is my gift to the world.
So it is through my horses (and I have a few of them :)), living on a semi remote and kind of isolated cattle station, scientific hand analysis and chakra dance (I forgot to mention that dance is another one of my loves) that I bring to you HOOF PRINTS TO YOUR HEART - The art of self love.
PS Photos and pretty things will be coming along very soon.
PPS If this strikes a cord with you and you would like to know how to start loving your self in an authentic, ecological way that will see you sawing to heights that you never thought possible go to the sidebar thing and send me a message so we can connect xxx
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