Well the rain has been a little on the scarce side of things lately. Not a lot to skite about in that department here. Hopefully you have received some to help you through.
In April I hosted a cutting clinic here at Uanda. I have never done cutting before. I have watched it a few times and I have campdrafted with my favourite part of having a campdraft run being the cut out section. So when I was asked if I would like to host a clinic I was pretty excited. Saying yes to hosting the clinic was the easy part, getting people to actually coming along and parting with their money was the difficult bit. I annoyed people with emails and posts on Facebook as well as putting up fliers around the local towns. It felt like I was really pushing and begging for people to come and this was very deflating as I was not getting the results I had intended.
When Tony the clinician rang before he was to leave his place in NSW, to see how numbers where going I was not feeling very good about hosting the clinic. I was ready to cancel. Feeling like a bit of a failure, Tony encouraged me to wait a few more days and see how things went and maybe I might get the extra numbers needed. We tossed some different ideas around like shifting the location to Hughenden, which would have made it difficult to have access to cattle and would have created a larger work load for us all. I was a nervous wreck because I wanted this clinic to go ahead only I had no clue where the extra riders where coming from.
After my conversation with Tony I had to have a sit down and re access how I was going about things. What was I doing to block the clinic from going ahead. Because it was me that was the problem here. I new that there was people out there that wanted to come only I was blocking things up with my own thoughts and beliefs. I had to let go. I had to let go of being in control and trying to control the outcome. I had to let go of my limiting beliefs and thoughts. I had to ask for help. And when you are a control freak, who do you ask to help you? I didn't know who to ask for help in the way of people. So I prayed and I asked God, the Universe and the Angels for help. I turned it all over to them. "If this clinic is meant to be, please help me to get the rest of the riders I need to help this clinic to go ahead. Please guide me in the right direction to let the right people know. This or something better." And then I had to trust. Trust my intuition when I heard the messages to go ahead and do something.
Well I trusted my intuition when it said to repost on facebook and from that over the course of the weekend the remaining spaces for the clinic filled. And these riders came from a totally different area to where I had been trying so hard to get riders from. These riders that came had to jump hurdles to get here to ride. And one of the major draw cards for them was the location. Out on a cattle property miles from everyday comforts.
So what are you holding on so tightly to and trying to control the outcome of? I am curious, what would happen if you LET GO and gave your problems, worry, concerns away to God, or the Universe or the Angels or Source? And just TRUST the downloads of your intuition or gut feelings as to when to take action. And how much more easier do results happen for you when you LET GO?
Have a great week
If you like Magazines have a look in the "Horse Downunder"mag's winter edition for the article and photos I wrote for this clinic.
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