
Friday, May 1, 2015

My Reframe On Words

Yesterday I had people come and visit to look at buying horses for their kids.  Leading up to them coming to visit I was making myself sick worrying that I hadn't done enough to get the horses ready because life and other commitments I let get in the way.  And the truth is I really didn't think I had horses that where suitable.  At this stage most of the horses that I have for sale are young and not had much work yet.  So I wasn't prepared to guarantee any of them.  And when kids are involved you really want to be sure you are selling a reliable horse.
Bonnet a brumby pony

The one horse that might of worked for them wasn't mine.  He was lent to my children for as long as we needed him, but his owners do have him up for sale.  When I asked the owner how much he wanted he put on an extravagant price.  But hey it is his horse and he can put on what ever price he likes.  So needless to say this horse was a little...... a lot out of the buyers budget.  Which I fully appreciated.
Fire Bug

The thing is I was talking to the father while his son was riding the horse and I heard myself say to him, "I am not very good at selling horses".  Later on I got to thinking about this and my choice of words.  They weren't a very good choice.  Really what I meant to say was "I don't DO selling horses very well YET".

Can you see and hear the difference in the play on words.  What I said sounds very, THIS IS SO AND THERE IS NO OTHER WAY AND IT CAN'T BE CHANGED.  Where as what I could of said allows for improving and change and getting much better at what I don't do very well yet.  And when I use the word DO it means it is an action that can be changed whenever I choose.  It is also letting the universe know that it is something I am going to get better at so that the universe can attract better outcomes for me.

I AM is a very powerful set of words and we use them to put our self down more times then we use them to lift ourselves up.  Just imagine if when we looked in the mirror we could say "I am beautiful or I am amazing", instead of all the other self destructive talk we use.

I would like to challenge you to notice how you talk about yourself,  especially when you are looking at the mirror or when you are talking to other people.  And when you do notice that you haven't been so nice to yourself have a go at reframing what you are saying so that it is not so intense and hurtful.  And if you have children notice how they talk about themselves and gently reframe their words to something that gives them more options to see how worth while they are.  You will be surprised of the flow on effect that this has.

So remember if you can't talk nicely about yourself then you cannot ask other to talk nicely of you.

Much love and have a great day