
Monday, February 17, 2014

Short Term Pain = Long Term Gain

The kids are going well at school.  There are the occasional tears from the twins when they call of an evening.  It is mostly when they are having a low moment and start thinking about their pets and wondering how the rest of us are going.  It seems though once they are with their friends and doing something that the low moment passes and they are back being happy chaps again.

In the times of their tears and asking to come home it is my job as their mother to hear what they feel they need to say, and at the same time not get caught up in the emotion of it all so that my mind and emotions are free to be more of a supporter rather then a worrier.  Because worrying does not serve them and it does not serve me.  We waist a lot of time worrying about things that are out of our control or none of our business.  It does not help the other party involved as it pushes unwanted energy their way and restricts the choices that they make.  And it ties up our creative mind so that it is to busy thinking worry thoughts to be helpful and thinking creative, constructive, solution finding thoughts.

And if I don't teach the kids now, how to cope with things they may not necessarily like but are beneficial to their long time learning and future it will be an even bigger struggle for them down the track when it is really going to count.  "Short term pain will = Long term gain"

And my grade 7 twin is now teaching one of his mates this concept.  Grade 7 twin is getting in and getting his home work done.  Even if it means spending extra time before or after his allotted study time and getting extra homework help in his lunch breaks or after school.  The story he tells himself to get in and get his homework done is - if he gets in and gets it finished now means extra time to play later. 

Now his friend wants to play first, dawdle through the study period, not worry about homework help so he can play and then when it is at the last minute realizes he has not done his homework starts to panic and the asks Grade 7 twin if he can copy his work.  And I have to say that I am very proud of Grade 7 twin as he told his mate, No he can't copy his work, but I will give you some help to understand what the homework is asking you to do.  By doing this he is helping his friend by not just giving in and letting him copy work which does no favours for either boy.  The mate is learning and Grade 7 twin is reinforcing what he has learnt by helping his mate understand what the tasks are.
And they will probably in the years to come have a better friend ship because Grade 7 twin didn't give in and just hand over his work for his mate to copy.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Life Purpose

My life purpose is "Innovative Spiritual Teacher in the Spotlight" 

I found this out 4 years ago when I had my scientific hand analysis reading done.  Wean I had my reading done I was in a place of confusion. I new I was meant to do more with my life and I felt like I needed to be helping lots of people only I was confused and didn't have a clew of what I was meant to do.  I had lots of advise from well meaning friends that like to say, "If I was you I'd be doing............."  Their advise just didn't feel right. 

It was by investing in myself and taking a prints of my hands and getting a reading done that I was able to find out my life purpose.  And it is the finger prints in our hands that tells us this.  We are born with a unique set of finger prints that never change.  They are formed in about week 16 while we are still in eutero.  Other things in our hands change, like the shape, the lines and the markings, our finger prints never change.

There where a couple of other things that I learnt about myself to, like my life school and my life lesson.

I am in the school of LOVE.  There are 4 life schools, Love, Service, Wisdom & Peace.  Being in the school of Love means learning to be authentic and not hide my feelings, say how I feel in the moment and to the appropriate person.  What a challenge this is and I will share more about this in future blogs.

My life lesson is also around love.  It is all about stuffing my feelings and not speaking my truth and not being emotionally authentic.  The life lessons that are in our hands are things that are going to challenge us regularly and it comes from many different angles.  It is like shedding the skin f an onion.  Just when you get one layer peeled there is another.  It is when we recognise that we are in our lesson phase and moving through it that we then start to live our life purpose.

So if you are feeling stuck and unsure of your direction email me and book a scientific hand analysis session.  For a very short time I am offering hand readings for $147 and this includes the hand print kit, a 45 minute reading over the phone, a recording of the reading and your hand print chart.

So go to the contact form to the right side of your screen and book your session now.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's Coming

The rain, that is.....

We are still waiting for decent rain.  For some reason the rain is falling to the north of us, to the south of us and to the east and west of us, but not on us.  There seems to be a pocket here in north west Queensland that is missing out.  Although there are a lot of people in the same boat as us.  Seeing our neighbours get rain with none falling on our own properties.

All though rain has been very sparse I am very grateful for the little bits we have had as it has kicked the grass along giving some relief to the cattle.  It still means carting water to areas where the dams are dry. 

The rain is coming though.  One thing about mother nature is she knows what she is doing and she doesn't like to be controlled by us.  If anything this drought is teaching me patience and to trust.  I  am learning to be patient while I wait for rain to come.  I am learning to be patient with people who are not patient and throwing themselves down with the "poor me syndrome" because things are out of their control and they seem to be the only ones affected by this drought.  I am learning to be patient with things that are outside my control, the environment, the cattle markets or lack of.  Most of all I am learning to be patient with me, especially when I have a moment when I am being unresourceful and I am yet to become consciously aware of my actions.  

I am learning to trust, trust that it will rain, trust in the environment, trust that the cattle markets will improve, trust that people are doing the best they can with the resources that they have at this point in time, trust in my ability to come out of this as a more loving, compassionate, empathic person, trust that if things don't go to my plan that I am going to be perfectly OK and where I am meant to be and that the outcome is going to be better then I expected.

And you know what?  It's coming......  The rain, that is.  It might be next week, next month or next year.  It is coming.......

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Flexability, Possibilities & Opportunities

What an interesting year it has been so far.  We are still being teased by this drought and occasional showers of rain that pass very fleetingly.  All of my children are now in boarding school.  It is a big adjustment to not have them all around.  Sending the kids away to boarding school is a choice we made.  I couldn’t face spending another 6 years of home schooling and I sure couldn’t give them the opportunities of education, sport or new friends from here. 

The oldest child has already had a year away at school, which she loved every bit of.  And this has made it a little bit easier for the twins although being boy and girl twins, the girl twin has had it a bit easier as she knew a few of the older girls.  The boy twin he found going into boarding a little more challenging as he didn’t know any of the boys except for one that he did distance ed. with. 

We, as a family have spent the last couple of years talking openly about boarding school with the children preparing them and getting them to think of all the possibilities and opportunities that they will be presented with while they are there.  It has always been said that “you may not like it, but make the most of it.”

The oldest does this very well.  She is making the most of any opportunity that comes her way and this has helped her to adapt and be very flexible.  The twins, who are dearly missing all their menagerie of animals and old way of life, will in time learn to adapt and grab each opportunity with both hands and make the most of their time at school.

One thing about life, it is a constant change.  Nothing stays the same.  It is how we choose to embrace the changes that make the difference.  And the more adaptable and flexible we are to change often times the easier it is to embrace.  We may not like the change, but if we find a way to make the most of it the more possibilities and opportunities open up for us.

What is stopping you from being flexible in your life?  Do you need help to open up to opportunities and possibilities?  Did you know that the things that challenge us the most are our greatest learnings to help us create an even better life.